Friday, June 10, 2011

Preschool Promotion!

Can I take it down sappy mama lane for a second and just start off saying how unbelievably lucky I feel to have been blessed with both my children?! They are seriously the two best mini humans I have ever known. Ava has now officially completed her Preschool Chapter, and is SO ready to move on to Kindergarten! Thursday was the final day of school at that little corner classroom at Schweitzer Elementary with three of the BEST Preschool Teachers in existence. So, to celebrate the kids moving up to Kindergarten, Ava's teachers put together a little promotion celebration. The kids were given caps, promotion certificates and showed us what they had been learning in Education Through Music(Ava's favorite part, she comes home and sings the songs she learns for hours on end! It really is the cutest thing ever, except for the times she has tried to replace my alarm clock at 4am with said songs). After the kids received their certificates, there were cupcakes which had each of the little grad's name on them, beverages and socializing.

A few months ago, I would of been pretty nervous FOR Ava, because this was the sort of thing that set her into anxious fear mode. She would of started crying the minute parents started arriving, and would of been inconsolable and hiding her face in my shoulder the entire time. So when we arrived Thursday and saw Ava's face light up as she smiled and waved but remained seated and calm, it was simply the best feeling. Seeing her be able to enjoy activites she loves, without anxiety or fear, is priceless. I am truly thankful to the fellow heart mama who lead us down the all natural remedy path for Ava's anxiety. It has done INCREDIBLE things and freed Ava of that at times crippling anxiety beast.

So here we are, five years on this unbelievable journey, and another chapter in the books. Another milestone. Another memory. Another blessing. Congratulations, baby girl, this is only the beginning of what is sure to be an exciting, challenging, and rewarding time in your education. Thanks to the three remarkable group of ladies we called Ava's preschool teachers for the last two years, I am confident my daughter got the best start possible. We are going to miss Ms. Pat, Ms. Sigrid and Ms. June tremendously!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Hi Ava
My name is Jenna and I came across your site. You are a courageous, strong, and determined fighter. U are a brave warrior, smilen champ and an inspirational hero, I was born with a rare life threatening disease and I love it when people sign my guestbook.