Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Preschool Princess!

So Monday was Miss Ava's first day of Preschool. She is enrolled in a 5 week preschool summer program held at a nearby elementary school. She goes two days a week, from 8am to 12pm. I was so super nervous the day before and morning of, but Ava was pretty much the opposite, SUPER excited anytime someone mentioned her going to her first day of school, she even did her happy dance. :)

Once we got there I thought, "Well surely now she will start to get nervous and clingy...right?!" sort of like I NEEDED to her need me. Nope, she saw kids, saw a playground, and in Ava's mind 1+1=2 and Ava + playground = FUN! She booked it over and played and played and played. For the most part, she seemed to keep to herself though. Tends to be how lil miss is around other kids she doesn't know well, though. Who wants to share the spotlight, anyways. ;)

So we met Ava's first teacher, super nice lady. And saw a friendly familiar face from the school where Ava will be attending this fall, which was definitely nice and helped calm my nervous overprotective mama nerves a bit. Just a bit though, let's not get carried away.

I stayed and observed the class for a bit, only left because my lil missy kept turning in her seat to wave at me, when she was in her seat at all. Other times she was running over to me to wave and give hugs, trying to drag her chair from the front of the classroom to the very back where I was sitting, etc. So as much as I didn't want to move a muscle until 12:00, I got myself up and said my goodbyes during a bathroom break(still no tears on her end, sigh) and went home. Where I texted with my two besties, looked at the clock every 22minutes, and uploaded photos off my phone and camera of the Diva until it was time to head back to pick her up. I got there a bit early, no surprise eh, and caught the end of lunch time. Seeing her sitting at a desk, eating all by herself without Mommy's help, she looked so grown. :) The teachers told me she had a fabulous first day of preschool, awww. Atta girl!

Ava with her teacher on the first day of school.

Ava before going to her first day of school! :)

Ava's Mommy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

School already?! There is nothing The Ava Diva can't do !!!