So. As many of us already know, Ava had her 6month echo cardiogram and followup in early January. Her cardiologist's immediate thought on viewing the echo results was that Ava was in need of another open heart surgery to replace her conduit with a larger one. He said there was some significant regurgitation going on, which was concerning.
The way things work with our doctors is, her cardiologist "presents" her "case" at a conference they have weekly. Together the team of doctors and surgeons come up with the best plan for the child and their condition. What the doctors all decided was that they want to try to further stent Ava's stenotic pulmonary arteries first. The hope is this will help compensate and hopefully put off surgery for a couple more years. Sounds good to me!!
So Ava's precath appointment is this Wednesday, with the actual cath a week later. We will be visiting the Cath Lab at the UC Davis Med Center, yet again. Ava will be first case, and as usual they tell you to expect to stay overnight, though the only time we had to actually stay overnight was when the stent became dislodged had to be "relocated." That isn't going to happen again, though. Positive thoughts ahoy, this needs to work the first time! This will be Ava's 5th Heart Catheterization in the last two years(double that total) and little miss deserves a BREAK! So bring on the happy thoughts, prayers, etc for a successful cath and perfectly placed stents. Yay! :)
I will update after the 16th, once we are home and rested.
Saying lots of prayers for a successful cath!!
Hi Ava
My name is Jenna and I came across your site. U are a brave courageous fighter and a hero. I was born with a rare life threatening bone disease. My site:
Sending prayers!
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